Carmel Valley Porcelain Veneers
The Power to Transform Smiles
If your smile goals include covering cracks, chips, permanent stains, gaps, or misshapen teeth, porcelain veneers offer a permanent solution in as little as one or two visits. Porcelain veneers often improve teeth cosmetically and structurally. The immediate transformative impact of custom tooth-colored dental veneers is evident when you first glimpse your new smile in the mirror.
Porcelain veneers conceal many imperfections with minimal structural loss to the affected natural teeth. CAD/CAM technology allows Dr. Schaffer to create a 3D map of your teeth in-office. CEREC technology is then put to work making your custom wafer-thin porcelain veneers. Precision customization means dental veneers often enhance teeth both cosmetically and structurally.
Benefits of Veneers Go Beyond Aesthetics
Many people believe veneers only offer cosmetic improvement. Imagine their surprise when they learn porcelain veneers can strengthen teeth and help with minor bite issues. People dealing with gaps may even avoid orthodontics with custom dental veneers. Permanently stained teeth can be restored to brilliance and smiles balanced with porcelain veneers. The boost in confidence can be dramatic when first viewing your new, brighter smile.
What to Expect When Choosing Dental Veneers
Dr. Schaffer and his team will perform a thorough consultation to ascertain the patient’s smile goals. Your Carmel Valley dentist will work with you to correct any untreated periodontal disease, decay, or infection before placing veneers. When teeth are ready for veneers, a thin layer of enamel is removed to improve bonding. Many patients opt for a local anesthetic, though some patients require none depending on the treatment plan.
3D dental imaging creates a model from which the custom veneers are made in-office with state-of-the-art equipment as part of our commitment as a Green Practice . When your custom porcelain veneers are ready, Dr. Schaffer will make final adjustments to color or shape before bonding veneers permanently to teeth.
Environmentally Responsible Dentistry
Green dentistry aims to reduce the environmental impact of traditional dental practices. Digital imaging, CAD/CAM technology, and CEREC capabilities allow most restorations to be completed in-house, thereby reducing our dependency on transportation to and from dental labs. Not only are our restorations good for the environment, but they also provide stunning smile restorations in what seems like no time at all. Give us a call at Schaffer Dental Excellence to discuss how we can help you meet your smile goals.