Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Let Your Smile Shine

Our teeth slowly reveal what we have been eating and drinking to the outside world. Luckily, there are teeth whitening options available that restore your smile to its former brilliance. At Schaffer Dental Excellence, we understand the confidence that accompanies a sparkling smile.

Professional Teeth Whitening in San Diego

Nothing beats the results gained by trusting the professionals with your smile. Whether you prefer in-office or at-home treatments, you have come to the right place.
Sinsational Smile Logo

Sinsational Smile whitening

Is a relatively quick in-office procedure followed up with a take-home maintenance pen. Pre-filled silicone trays eliminate the need for a retractor and allow patients to relax during the 20-minute procedure. A special LED light activates the gel’s whitening ingredients, so it takes less time to experience incredible results. The maintenance pen helps keep your smile brighter for an extended period of time